The Shipping, Receiving and In-Transit Shipment Tracking optional
module of RepairData provides real-time and legacy material
movement management.
The module performs creation, deletion, update, and reporting of
shipping actions, shipment and receiving data collection,
and in transit shipment tracking of each shipment action.
RepairData has automated the links to AirBorne Express, UPS,
FedEx, DHL, Emery WorldWide, and the United States Postal Service.
So once you have created a shipment tracking record, you are one
click away from going directly to the shippers Internet web site
and find the current tracking information.
Shipments can be documented against maintenance actions or
requisition fulfillment for tracing. RepairData has automated
the links to AirBorne Express, UPS, FedEx, DHL, Emery WorldWide,
and the United States Postal Service. So once you have created a
shipment tracking record, you are one click away from going
directly to the shippers Internet web site and find the current
tracking information.
If the item is tracked on the System Status screen, the system
status is updated to reflect that it is being shipped with a
one click reference to the shipment record!
A link is provided here to RepairEDI for creation, viewing,
or responding to Material Discrepancies / Deficiencies using
842D EDI transaction. See RepairEDI for further information.
This link is only visible if RepairEDI option is required.
A future goal for this module is to provide real time link
from commercial shipment hand-off to military transportation
system. This would allow the tracking of the asset within
the military transportation system from within RepairData.
Some of the information tracked:
1. Initiating Document
2. Carrier
3. Receiver Address
4. Ship Date
5. Tracking Number
6. Receive Date
7. Ship Status
8. Shipper Address
9. Receive Condition
10. Remarks